3. ToolsΒΆ

The command query-opengl-api in the bin directory provides a tool to query the OpenGL API using the PyOpenGLng.GlApi module.

The online help could be printed on the terminal using the command:

> query-opengl-api --help

usage: query-opengl-api [-h] --api {gl,gles} --api-number API_NUMBER
                        [--profile {core,compatibility}] [--validate]
                        [--translate-type] [--build-wrapper] [--summary]
                        [--list-enums] [--list-commands]
                        [--list-multi-pointer-commands] [--enum ENUM]
                        [--command COMMAND] [--man MAN]

A tool to query the OpenGL API

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --api {gl,gles}       API (default: None)
  --api-number API_NUMBER
                        API number (default: None)
  --profile {core,compatibility}
                        API profile (default: core)
  --validate            validate xml file (default: False)
  --translate-type      translate gl to c type (default: False)
  --build-wrapper       Build wrapper (default: False)
  --summary             summary (default: False)
  --list-enums          list enums (default: False)
  --list-commands       list commands (default: False)
                        list commands having size parameter used by more than
                        one pointer parameter (default: False)
                        list commands having a computed size parameter
                        (default: False)
                        list commands having a multi-pointer parameter
                        (default: False)
  --enum ENUM           Show enum property (default: None)
  --command COMMAND     Show command prototype (default: None)
  --man MAN             Show man page (default: None)

We will presents the main functions in the followings.

In any case, you have to select an API, its number and profile. As example we will use the OpenGL V3.3 core profile API.

You can print a summary on the API using:

> query-opengl-api --api=gl --api-number=3.3 --profile=core --summary

OpenGL API gl 3.3 profile: core
  - Number of Enums:      797
  - Number of Commands:   344

You can list all the enumerants using:

> query-opengl-api --api=gl --api-number=3.3 --profile=core --list-enums


You can list all the commands using:

> query-opengl-api --api=gl --api-number=3.3 --profile=core --list-commands


You can print the definition of an enumerant using:

> query-opengl-api --api=gl --api-number=3.3 --profile=core --enum GL_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES

Enum GL_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES = 0x8b89 (type: None, alias: None, api: None, comment: None)

You can print the definition of a command using:

> query-opengl-api --api=gl --api-number=3.3 --profile=core --command glActiveTexture

void glActiveTexture (GLenum texture)

And you can translate the GL type to C using:

> query-opengl-api --api=gl --api-number=3.3 --profile=core --command glActiveTexture --translate-type

void glActiveTexture (unsigned int texture)

To get the translation use:

> query-opengl-api --api=gl --api-number=3.3 --profile=core --build-wrapper --command glDeleteBuffers

glDeleteBuffers - delete named buffer objects

glDeleteBuffers (InputArrayWrapper<const unsigned int * [n]> buffers)

void glDeleteBuffers (GLsizei n, const GLuint * [n] buffers)

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2. Examples

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4. API Documentation

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