
class Pyterate.RstFactory.Document.Document(topic, input_file, language)[source]

Bases: object

This class is responsible to process a document.

return the Python symlink path

return the reST symlink path


Generate a notebook file.



Generate the document RST file.


Parse the source code and extract nodes of codes, RST contents, plot and Tikz figures. The source code is annoted using comment lines starting with special directives of the form #directive name#. RST content lines start with #!#. We can include a figure using #lfig#, a figure generated by matplotlib using the directive #fig#, tikz figure using #tz# and the content of a file using #itxt# and #i# for codes. Comment that must be skipped start with #?#. Hidden code start with #h#. The directive #o# is used to split the output and to instruct to include the previous node. RST content can be formatted with variable from the locals dictionary using @<@…@>@ instead of {…}.

Create a symlink to a source in the reST document directory

exception Pyterate.RstFactory.Document.ParseError(message, line)[source]

Bases: Exception